I am Maxine Culpa. Along with my late daughter Mia, I first became aquainted with Saint Sybian through our husband, Composer Felix Sebastian Culpa. He was born and raised in Calabria, Italia, near the site of the ancient Greek settlement of Sybaris, in the last century. When he was thirteen, Sybian began to appear to him, initiating him into her spiritual and sensual world. Felix, who was forced to disappear after unfortunate and definitely unsaintlike events , told us of Sybian's devotion to the pleasures of the father's creation: food, drink, the arts (particularly music and dance) all nature ---especially the body!! With the help of American Musicologist Patrick Lockwood, I have written these entries. Now, He also has been taken from us. Our new Scribe is Daniel Pierce, and our new Goddesss is Esperanza, whom Sybian herself has ordained. I hope that all who view this site will be encouraged to let their minds and senses wander to discover the voluptuous gifts the father freely gives us. Newcomers are urged to go to the earliest postings.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Monday, May 19, 2008


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

One Part of the Story

The Maxine Effect: What happens to a weak priest when he encounters "THE VOLUPTUOUS LIFE."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"His Love is deep within me.
My heart, my soul, my being,
They resonate as one single tone in my breasts.
His words are golden arrows,
Love's golden shafts of purest light.
I know not rest.
I am his new creation.
He calls me forth to be his bride.

Warm as the glowing sun,
Bright as a thousand stars,
I give you back the love I owe.
I hear the beauty of your song to me.
I feel the power of your call to me
And in response my soul screams out, "AMEN!"

"The Ecstasies of Sybian"
by F. S. Culpa

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Welcome newcomers! You are invited to browse wherev er you would like, but it might be more rewarding for you to begin with the earliest posts. Let what is good and what is pulsating inside you guide you!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Institute of St. Sybian, Calabria, Italy

Among the orange groves and gardens near the site of ancient Sybaris in the region of Calabria, the St. Sybian Institute flourishes in its efforts to spread the message of St. Sybian and promote official recognition of her Sainthood. It sponsors many educational programs including a summer-long youth camp, and multiple seminars in the arts including music, dance, photography, the culinary arts and wine tasting. The Institute operates two seminaries leading to priesthood for young women, one on the grounds of the Institute and the other on the Sybian Estate, a retreat center outside of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States (more information on the Estate below.)

Recent Activities at the Institute

This year, we initiated what we hope to be an annual festival dedicated to St. Sybian, held on her feast-day, the day of the summer solstice. Among the events:

The young girls of Sybaris, re-enacting the “Dives of Sybian”, by which she sacrificed her own life to save the city. It is a contest among the girls to see who can stay submerged the longest.

Inaugural Performance at New Amphitheatre

Dancers at the performance of the music pageant,“MALOCCHIO DEL AMORE”, by Felix Sebastian Culpa. Years ago, the premiere performance of this composition caused a police riot, and led to the trial, conviction and banishment of the composer. This year’s performance was dedicated to the late Patrick Lockwood, who worked for the Institute as scribe and musicologist, helping to piece together the scraps of the musical score destroyed by the Poliza.

The Institute's Museum and Archives are now open!!

Also new to the Institute is the museum, featuring images of St. Sybian by artists through the ages, as well as objects of art suggestive of the “Vita Voluptua” way of life of the saint. Following are some examples:

The archives, which consist of the original manuscripts of Felix Sebastian Culpa, as well as correspondence between Felix and Mia, Maxine and Pedro, the transcript of Culpa’s trial, and his eventual pardon, is open to researchers by prior appointment only.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

We're Branching Out!!!

The Sybian Estate of Chicago

Located in between unincorporated Malvina and Lunts Townships, approximately 40 miles from downtown Chicago, near the area forest preserve, The Sybian Estate affords those wishing to pursue the spiritual teachings and voluptuous practices of St. Sybian of Sybaris, a place for lush solitude and sensuous interaction with unadulterated nature. It is available for private, as well as group retreats

Ramona, High Priestess and Retreat Director

Closing Ceremonies from a recent retreat.


The Estate is also home to our Seminary and Preparatory School for young women wishing to pursue further studies in Sybian’s “Vita Voluptua.”, with the goal of becoming priestesses, as well as minors in Music, Creative Dance, Photography, Massage Therapy, the Culinary Arts and Oenology. Our catalog of Course Offerings is still being proof read and will be available soon.

Francesca, High Priestess and Director of the Education.

Spiritual counseling available from our adjunct advisors, Father Ernie Raynor (above) and his nephew, Father Jerry Raynor (below.)

Our Students

Some pictures of the Preparatory School student body

Vanessa, Pedro Yarez's Grandaughter

Chrysallis, believed to be of the direct blood-line of Sybian is a third-year student at the Estate’s Seminary.

Student of the Month

We at the Estate are proud of the way Samantha has been growing up. While it is always tempting to think of her as the “Little Samantha”, who first came to the estate as part of a field trip for Father Ernie’s altargirls, she is quickly becoming a standout in terms of physical beauty and academic achievement. Some of her poetry will be included in future editions of this newsletter. She is also at the top of the “Chants and Dance” junior postulate class. She remains the chief aid to Fr. Ernie